In truth, him had long ago lost most of any soul him could have sold. There once was a man, if him could ever have been called one, who was so merciless, so cruel, tha people all said him had given himself t’ tha Devil. So I tell you this story, so you will be warned. However, t’ forget would mean t’ endure tha same fate that came before. Better t’ forget, than t’ remember there are some powers in tha world so terrible, they show just how evil a mortal man can be.
There are some legen’s so horrible, they would be better off forgotten. A warnin’, of what comes t’ those who seek power for power's own sake. “I know what it is ya heart desires!” Tia Dalma laughs quietly, “I will tell you a story. “For what purpose do you seek t’ go there?”
“You come t’ me seekin’ answers t’ tha question of what evil be brewin’ inside Isla Tormenta?” Tia Dalma smiles and something in her eyes tells you that you will leave her shack with more questions than what you came with.